Wednesday 28 March 2007

Sweet exam time

There are times when you've been studying for so long and you're so tired of it that anything can distract you. Perhaps the refrigerator suddenly got filled with the world's delicacies .. not very likely, but it's always worth a shot to check. If not for the possible outcome of this trip to the kitchen, then at least for the little exercise you get. Physical activity is the number uno way of taking a break from the books. Especially cleaning becomes heaven during these exam times. It's a perfectly legal reason NOT to study, it actually has a purpose, you get your caffeine-tired body moving all while turning up the radio and bawling out your favourite hits.

The best time, however, is when you can finally put your little exhausted head on the pillow and safely close your eyes. Knowing that you deserve a couple hours of doing absolutely nothing. Or that was what I thought until yesterday. Something changed between last night and this morning. I remember turning off the light and my last thought was something like " last" and then there was probably some snoring...

Normally, I would expect to be on my way to sunny beaches and coconut drinks. I was fooled. I got brutally dumped into a nightmare where a little red evil-looking devil chased me up and down short-run aggregate supply curves, which eventually became long-run and thus vertical. And I fell. We both did, it was too slippery. Still he managed to follow me. I tried monetary policy, tried to bribe the little devil not to chase me, but all I got out of it was to shift the aggregate demand curve. The nightmare continued and continued until we had been through what seems like every single chapter in the book and I woke up breathless and sweating.

Today is the last day before the exam, last day before freedom. And I'm thinking. Tonight, maybe I should pull an all-nighter like I know certain other people do... I will beat the little devil.

Tuesday 20 March 2007

Circus Librarius

Yet another day, yet another endless book of graphs and figures, and of course time wasted (cough cough.. i mean, studying) in the library. The CBS Library at Solbjerg Plads is a fascinating place. With such striking architecture, it is a wonder that people are able to concentrate.
Today, I had the luck to acquire a prime seat in the library, with a fantastic view of the whole place. It was a seat on the ground floor facing the heart of the library. From it, one could stare at all floors at once. While I was sitting there, it occured to me that this fitted the image I had of the imperial pavilion at one of the Circus Maximus (Maximii ?!?) of Ancient Rome. Only I wasn't the Emperor. I was more like the Emperor's flunkie who stood to the side and ran errands for 'His Imperial Majesty.'
I don't how the entertainment I had compares today with the Circus Maximus of yore, but I have to say that this was pretty fun as well. The most amusing sight has got to be the people who I like to call the 'Seat Snatchers'. They are the people who enter the library and beginning scanning the place for an empty table to sit and study at. For those who already occupy tables, it feels like they are unsuspecting gazelles at the local watering hole being watched by a tiger who has just come off a vegan diet. You feel watched. Unsafe. And though you may stare back defiantly, the Seat Snatchers continue to circle like hawks, unperturbed by the discomfort they may be causing you. And then, just as they are about to give up the hunt, someone crumbles under the pressure (well, not really... possibly that someone just has a class to attend, but that doesn't sound half as dramatic, does it now? ) and gets up to leave. Then, the hawks swoop down together. It is a race to see who gets there first. The winner sits down, exhausted from the hunt, but trimuphant nonetheless and stares back at his competitors in a most humble manner, so as not to provoke them further. And the rest continue the hunt.
The other form of amusement at Circus Librarius is the Mobile Dash. It is fiery competition of determination and sheer speed between man and mobile phone. When everyone has finally settled into their seats, and is getting down to work, someone's mobile phone will ring loudly and unexpectedly. Most mobile phones nowadays have that feature where their ringtone gets louder gradually. Like a petulant child tugging at your trouser leg, it demands your attention, "Listen to me! NOW!!" And so they cry (or in this case, ring) , softly at first - so soft that only your neighbours can hear you, then louder and louder. The whole point of the Mobile Dash is to get out of the Library limits before the ringtone is loud enough to be heard by everyone on all 4 floors. It is indeed, a hilarious sight to see someone immersed in sheaves and sheaves of paper, suddenly turn red and purple with embarassment as the first strains of their embarassing ringtone choice float across the library. Then it is a mad dash leaving paper trails behind, tripping on computer cords all in a desperate attempt to get out of the library before everyone in CBS know that everytime you have a call from home, you hear La Cucaracha.
So what are you waiting for? Come to Circus Librarius today. You won't get much studying done, but who wants that anyway? Right? wink...

Monday 19 March 2007


I'm trying to find something intelligent to say. Not going very well. Been looking at the screen for a couple of minutes while Ridh is trying to upload our rowdy viking picture. The beginning of it was pretty random just as about anything we do. Studying macroeconomics for the upcoming exam, babbling away on msn as always... going macromackerelmacaroon. BAM. A blog was born.


This blog is hopefully, the start of many great things to come. A conversation between two confused souls to avoid studying Economics. Creativity hampers all education's attempts to discipline us and we love it.