Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
New Feature - Thanks Google!!
We now have music on our blog. It is the ultimate tribute to procrastination before the exams.
Those who have sat with a Financial Accounting book in front of them for more than 40 minutes will sympathize and understand my sentiments and the corresponding course of action I took. I was really extremely bored and so devoted almost an hour and a half, I think it has been now to figuring out how to add a music track to a blog on blogger. Incidentally, it requires one to go into HTML and edit that.
Now you must be wondering how a Business student was editing HTML. Well, folks, its all thanks to Google, Wiki and other wonderful teachers. I think I have learnt more useful stuff from Google than from any other source in the world including all the brilliant teachers I have ever had.
I am beginning to think that almost all the world's problems can be solved if you just Google them. You will always find someone, somewhere who has already asked the same question and someone else somewhere else who has answered it. Just thinking of the vast potential of this is overwhelming (but in kinda a good way).
I am rambling again when I should be reading about liabilities, assets and cash flows. So I hope you enjoy the music (which is subject to change of course depending on the the mood of the authors), enjoy the video link (it is hilarious) and maybe you will even stick around to read the entries and leave a comment.
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